Ass-kicking Gigs Awesome-sauce Rocking Uncategorized

GIG: 2/3 at Kelly’s Logan House: 9:30pm

Hey, guess what:

We were just invited to play at Kelly’s Logan House on Thursday night at 9:30pm [NOTE: This is a new time. We were originally slated for 10pm; it’s now 9:30.]. “It’s about time,” you’re probably thinking. “Hot Breakfast! is a gorram1 Delaware institution! What’s taken Kelly’s so long to book the Acoustic Dork Rock Duo of Awesomeness?” Just between us birdies, I think the folks at Kelly’s were hesitant to book us because their fire suppression systems weren’t quite able to handle the level of face-melting ROCK we bring to the table. We understand… happens all the time really.

So yeah! Kelly’s Logan House has dedicated Thursday nights to local, original music, which is pretty spectacular if you ask us. While Hot Breakfast! is probably best known for reinterpreting others’ music, we have a pretty impressive catalog of Matt-tastic tunes from which to draw. So have a beverage and stretch your breakfasty boundaries folks, and take a listen to what your pals Matt and Jill have to share with you. Would we steer you wrong?

Oh, and before you can complain, here’s our Pre-emptive Anti-Complain-o-Tron:

  • But what about the roads? The roads will be fine by then, yo, so quit yer whining.
  • You go on at 9:30pm? That’s so late! Ninja, please. No, it’s not too late. You’d be up reading Fark (or Foobies) at that hour anyway, so it’s not like you’d be sleeping. Come hang with us!
  • But what if it’s not awesome? My dear, we are Hot Breakfast! We will not let you down.

See you Thursday!

Your pal,


1 Yes, that was a Firefly reference.

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