HEY! Wanna hear your favorite acoustic punk-dork-rock-power-duo perform live on the radio and chatter about all things dork? Well, now you can!
We are this week’s featured band on Y-Not Radio’s local music spotlight– how cool is that? This afternoon we headed out to their West Philly studio to chat with the mighty Josh T. Landow about how our new album is coming along, the virtues of Fig Newtons, and a little band history, too… and we even performed a few songs live for their sweet studio audience. It was a blast.
The show will debut this Wednesday, January 16 at 11am and later at 10pm and will replay on Saturday, January 19 at 8pm.
Since we were representin’ our fine state of Delaware, we were asked to curate a hand-picked playlist of some of our favorite music from our favorite Delaware bands (OK, one’s from Baltimore, but we met them at the Wilmo Rock Circus so we’ll let it slide). A teaser: When you tune in, you’ll be one of the first people on the earth to hear a track from Angela Sheik’s upcoming album, and you’ll also hear some great cuts from Brene Wilson, The Joe Trainor Trio, The Keefs, Rachel Schain, The Way Home, Me and This Army, Todd Chappelle, and Mean Lady. Woot!
How did we land such a sweeeeeeet gig?
Because we’re freakin’ Delaware’s premier acoustic punk-dork-rock power duo. That’s how. (OK, really now.)
Because we were lucky enough to meet some big-wigs from the station (Josh T. Landow and Joey O) through our friend Rodney Anonymous. Among Mr. Anonymous’ many accomplishments and hobbies, Rodney also hosts a monthly industrial show on Y-Not Radio called Rodney Anonymous Tells You How To Live. A great conversation with Josh and Joey, a CD exchange, and an email or two later, and Hot Breakfast! is on the air telling the world about the vibrant music scene in Delaware! Ka-pow!
So… thanks, Rodney– we owe ya!
WHAT: Hot Breakfast! is the in-studio guest on Y-Not Radio‘s local music spotlight
WHO: Hot Breakfast! with host Josh T. Landow (and you’ll hear songs from our favorite locals, too!)
WHEN: Wednesday, 1/16 at 11:00AM and 10:00PM, and again on Saturday, 1/19 at 8PM
WHERE: Tune in online at ynotradio.net — the future of radio is riding on the backs of screaming electrons, baby!
Let us know what you think of the show!
Your pals,
Suburban Legend and Ji11
a.k.a. Matt and Jill
One reply on “Radio Spot: 1/16 and 1/19: In-Studio Guests on Y-Not Radio!”
[…] ps: If you can’t attend, you can always tune in to our pre-recorded radio spot on Y-Not Radio. Details here. […]