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BLOG: Super-secret thing…

Wow. It’s been a long time since I’ve used this as a blog. But hey! Carpe diem and stuff!

So, I have a confession.
It always made me crazy when artists would coyly say “Oooh, we’re involved in this super-secret project, but we toootally can’t talk about it.”

I always rolled my eyes a little at those updates. “Oh REALLY? You really can’t talk about it? Riiiiight. Way to build false buzz and intrigue just to get some clicks and Likes.”

Welp, guess what? We are now THAT BAND. We are *actually involved* in a super-secret project that, seriously, no lie, no false anything, we’re genuinely not allowed to talk about. There are lawyers and stuff involved (in a good way)! All I can tell you is that it involves my musical heroes The Dead Milkmen, and I’m so excited that I just can’t hide it and I’m about to lose control and I think it’s pretty darn spiffy. 16-year-old me is DYING and running around the house screaming, and 43 year old me is also DYING and running around the house screaming. 🙂 Seriously, I am beyond honored and unspeakably excited about this project, and I cannot wait until I’m allowed to share it with you all.

These are the gentlemen from The Dead Milkmen. They're not talking about it either.
They’re not talking about it either.

So, to all those artists I rolled my eyes at, I owe you an apology. I’m sorry that I doubted you. I now get it. There are some things you’re really not allowed to talk about. And yeah, they really are exciting. 🙂



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